Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Channel Your Inner Poet

With a nose like shoe leather
I tromp through the heather
Companioned by brindle, sable, and fawn.
Were it not for the call,
A warm bed in the hall,
We'd run in the night until dawn.

Get out your magnetic poetry, kids!  Diego the dog knows what April is -- it's National Poetry Month!

In the library, check out the poets' corner, where you can find everyone from Robert Frost to Janet Wong, waxing poetic on many of your favorite topics:
               FRIENDSHIP                                                      popcorn     
            Halley's Comet                              Baseball
Mud season                        Hippopotomi               love                      Lightning       
In addition to all of those, check out these sites to help you create your own poetry.
  • Piclits allows you to embellish an image with words -- either words supplied from a list, or ones that come from you!
  • Magnetic Poetry Online gives several different word groupings.  Choose from "Artist," "Poet," "Story Maker," and many more to create and save your own poems.
  • Shakespeare Poetry Machine takes up to 99 words from the Bard's own works, scrambles them, and waits for you to create some immortal poetry from them.

1 comment:

annie-techexplorer said...

What a fun post, I am an elementary librarian out looking for ideas and your blog is full of good ideas, thanks. Helps me expand my idea of what a blog can be!! Thanks.