Friday, November 06, 2009

Eyes on the Earth

While the title of this blog may sound like a sinister plot to track the activities of all of us, it in fact refers to NASA's Global Climate Change website. An amazing look at the earth and the indicators, causes, and effects of global climate, this site invites all kinds of exploration. Take a look; you may be surprised, and it may spur you to act.

Random factoid from the site: When the earth was formed, its day would have been roughly 6 hours long. Right now, the length of the average day is increasing at a rate of 1.7 milliseconds every century. Why? Find out at NASA's Global Climate Change website, and click on "10 Things You Never Knew." You can also play the Metropolis game, fighting through layers of carbon dioxide to find the 10 most populous cities in the world.

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