Thursday, September 24, 2009

Using the library catalog - creating a Bibliography

Finding books you like shouldn't be hard. We can always make suggestions, but you will be helping yourselves so much in life if you learn to use technology well.

Creating a Bibliography, Part One
  • For this edition of your library time, your assignment is to create a bibliography (list of resources -- they might be books, videos, audiobooks, or other items) by using the library catalog.
  • After you get onto the catalog, look up "dogs" as a keyword.
  • When the results come up, notice the box to the left of every call number? Making a check in that box allows you to create a bibliography.
  • Create a bibliography that includes the following:

  • one hardcover fiction book about dogs
  • one paperback fiction book about dogs
  • one nonfiction book about dogs
  • one audiobook with "dogs" as a subject
  • one video/dvd with "dogs" as a subject
  • one graphic novel about dogs
  • one magazine about dogs

  • Make comments in the "Note" box to show how you identified each form. For example, you may write "GN=graphic novel".
  • Show your bibliography to me or email it to me at

Creating a Bibliography, Part Two

  • Now that you have created a bibliography on a topic I've given you, your next assignment is to create a bibliography on a topic that interests you (just don't choose dogs).
  • Once you've followed the above steps for this new topic, save, email, or show me your completed bibliography.

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